Mountain goat watching in northern BC   Photos and articles about  mountain goats

Mountain goats near Smithers BC Canada

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British Columbia Mountain Goat Society
Official BC Wildlife Viewing web site
Wikipedia entry for the mountain goat
Wikipedia entry for an extinct mountain goat
Woodland Park Zoo - Seattle, Washington

Yukon Wildlife Preserve has captive mountain goats


Our Reference Sources:

Marco Festa-Bianchet and Steeve D. Cote. 2008.  Mountain Goats, Ecology, Behavior and Conservation of an Alpine Ungulate.  Island Press. (available from

Ian McTaggart Cowan and  Charles J. Guiget. The Mammals of British Columbia. 1965.  British Columbia Provincial Museum.

British Columbia Ministry of Environment. 2010. Management Plan for the Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus) in British Columbia (download here)

British Columbia Ministry of Environment. 2000. Mountain Goat in British Columbia, Ecology, Conservation and Management.

Bruce L. Smith, 2020, Life on the Rocks, A Portrait of the Mountain Goat, (available from

Michael J. Manfredo. 2002. Wildlife Viewing, A Management Handbook. Oregon State University Press.

Deborah Richie Oberbillig. 2001. Providing Positive Wildlife Viewing Experiences. Colorado Division of Wildlife Publication

BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. 2001. British Columbia Wildlife Watch, Provincial Viewing Program

Darimont, Carlson et al, 2009. Human predators outpace other agents of trait change in the wild,
National Academy of Sciences of the USA.





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